Hey, since 2018 passed quickly, i feel like i want to do some appreciation post for those who made not just my 2018, but my life worth living. Hidup ni bagaikan roda, penuh dgn drama, kadang2 kita dekat atas and kadang2 kita dekat bawah. But i'm so thankful there's so many people who always there for me thru ups & down and made me smile & laugh through the year especially my family and friends. To show how grateful i am, so yeah here's a little appreciation post because i couldn’t live without them 💕

Beyond blessed having the most amazing parents ever 💖😭 Thanks for being so supportive, sporting, loving and understanding. While some people having difficulties in communicating with their parents, i'm so grateful i boleh boleh bergurau2 mcm kawan, menyakat but still respect each other, share problem without rasa segan bcs they totally understanding, open minded and bagi feedback & nasihat yg positive without judging their kids. Even my love stories pun i boleh share and dorang advice mcm2 tau haha. Thank you so much ibu ayah, thanks for being such a great example of love. They truly deserve the world, i love them with all my heart 💘

The one who truly know me inside and out. Everytime i ada problem dorang tahu je walaupun i rarely share my problem at first. They knows what i feels and what's going on with my life eventho without i'm telling to them. Tbh i dare to say my sister's instinct really creeps me out haha. How i wish i can be like my sister. Observant, pandai bercakap, ramah, pandai point out something yg org lain tak nampak, at the same time buat org rasa comfortable and rasa dorang totally know 'em. Thank you kakk. There’s no friend better than a sister and there’s no sisters better than you both ❤️

Who needs a boyfriend when you have a brother that always accompany you everywhere  and anywhere 😎 More like a kawan gaduh time kecik2 but life saver bila dah besar2 ni. I'm so grateful ada dia yg always teman hantar i pergi mana2. Ada one time i sampai terharu ada adik yg selalu tolong especially time susah. Hantar i pergi kerja, bawak i if i ada something yg nak kena settlekan, belikan makanan tiap kali i mintak tolong and etc haha. Thankyou so much for being the best brother i could ever ask for! 💞

This lil boy could be really annoying sometimes bcs dia ni nakal gila! Suka cari pasal but hey i still love him so much 😚 Be a good boy lah adik jangan asyik nak suka gaduh je dgn ibu haha

Are genuinely one of the sweetest human i’ve ever known. If i ni lelaki, i’m definitely gonna date her. Dah laa baik gila, caring, sweet, setia, pandai masak, you name it semua benda ada dekat dia. I really love her attitude, tak pernah pun nak berkira dgn kawan2 especially bab duit and masa. If dia free mintak lah tolong apa apa pun dia akan tolong. Someone yg i rasa i totally selesa, even baik buruk i pun dia still terima. One of my classmate time dekat UITM Penang, i ni jenis yg tak boleh satu bilik dgn my friends, bcs i need my own time and space, buat hal sendiri, living in my own world so she's the only one yg tahan dgn perangai i sampaikan dia pernah cakap "dyana aku ingat kau ni 24 hours gila gila rupanya kau lain eh bila dlm billik haha". So lucky to have her in my life. I love our little heart to hearts and I’m thankful that you never got tired of hearing and understanding all my problem 💖

My travel buddy! Having so much fun with this girl 💕 Gila gila, gorgeous, banyak main, suka tangkap gambar and the most important is suka makan! Thats why kitorang boleh click bcs we share the same interest in almost everything. She's the one yg always forever onz bila ajak pergi mana2, never say no tu yg i suka travel dgn dia. We both start close since dia housemate i time sem 1 dekat Penang. I still remember yg our house tu berhantu, after dapat tahu i siap temankan dia mandi lagi dekat depan pintu toilet sambil tengok barbie haha. This gurl! Are soooo insecure. You’re perfect as you are babe so please be more confident. Thank you for existing. Lets create more beautiful memories together 🤗

There’s nobody quite like her. The best listener, simply, the best of everything. We start close since we both are the new student dekat SUA, almost everything we do together, duduk asrama katil sebelah2, setiap malam bedtime story dulu before tidur, skodeng our ex dari tingkat sbb kita duduk katil atas so directly boleh tengok luar, and hey jodoh kita kuat! Diploma kita still dapat study satu UITM yg sama. Walaupun lain course, lain hostel, lain bilik but we manage to keep our friendship strong. Eventho tiap kali i ada problem dia tak tahu mcm mana nak respond, but just having her by my side, hug and heard all my problems even without saying or doing anything heals everything. She hit my soft spot :(

Yg paling nakal sekali! At the same time yg paling baik 💕 Yg time kat sekolah Gombak dia lah geng selalu buat jahat sama sama, yg gila gila, and yg paling funnn! yg selalu hasut suruh "hey yana, kau taknak freehair ke? try lah freehair, kau cantik apa bila freehair", yg selalu ajak pakai short pans sekali, geng lari kejap pergi kantin beli makanan keluar ikut pintu belakang class time cikgu tgh ajar dekat depan, yg selalu degil taknak ikut rules sekolah but lah dont worry kitorang nakal sikit2 je cikgu still sayang kitorang haha 😂  But hey look at her now, mashaAllah lagi muslimah dari i yg tak pernah terpengaruh dgn dia ni chuolss


Beautiful inside and out. Though we're miles away, we somehow are still connected. I start rapat dgn dia when i already move out to the other place. But bcs of we share the same situation, even jauh sekali pun she's the one who knows how i feels and understand me well. More like LDR friendship gittuw haha. This gurl, so calm, easy-going and humble. I MISS YOU babe!

Beauty with brain 💕 I selalu terfikir, it would be nice if i can be pretty and pandai like her. Tak study pun still perform, bila study lagi lah dahsyat. Gifted! She may look tough, arrogant or kerek sometimes (if you belum kenal dia lagi lah), tapi bila dah kenal she’s the nicest person ever. Time diploma walaupun satu class mula mula i takut nak rapat dgn dia ni, sbb dengar yg dia ni ganas sangat but sem last time dip kitorang dah mula start rapat, duduk satu bilik and always together. Masuk degree lagi lah rapat teruk. Dia ni funny gila okay, setiap benda yg dia buat, even apa yg dia cakap pun kelakar. I terhibur teruk bila tiap kali lepak dgn dia ni haha perangai gila gila. But hah, eventho dia ni pandai gila sekalipun time dgn kitorang sometimes bila datang bonggok dia tu boleh tahan jugak lah kalah kitorang punya bonggok haha 😂

A really thoughtful friend. A great listener and always good at giving me advice. Ada one time yana tgh sedih gila but we both still belum rapat time tu. Dari jauh yana pandang dia and bisik dlm hati "Can i go to farah and hug her?". Sbb before that yana ada down teruk esok nak present tetibe pendrive yg ada assignment semua tu hilang. And that time dia dekat sebelah cool downkan i suruh sabar and everything. Idk lah i felt like when i share my problem with her, she silently put calmness and everlasting peace to my heart ❤️

My gossip partner. Always teach me how to chill even the problem is big as my head haha. Tengok dia sentiasa tenang buat i pun rasa nak bertenang jugak. Dont mess with her! Nampak mcm senyap but once you cari pasal dgn dia, ayat dia lagi tajam dari pisau kayy! Ayat pedas dia tu boleh buat you makan hati and ingat sampai bila bila 😂

This guy! My classmate time degree. So soft so kind so caring. Concern gila dgn my battery phone and phone storage 😂 Tiap kali lepak together dia suka marah i main phone. “Dyana, takde siapa ws kan so tutup phone tu nanti battery habis”, then terus amik phone i simpan 😂 Bila dah lama tak jumpa soalan first dia akan tanya "dyana, phone okay?", hahaha lawak lah aiman ni. Jarang jarang okay org concern dgn battery phone ni lol funny 😜

The one i want to thank the most. Who take care of me like i’m his little sister, who never left me in my breakdowns, who always trying his best to make me happy, who always there for me on my hardest time, who still decided to stay by my side eventho ppl keep talking bad about me. Wish you happy in whatever you do shaminn! 3 years in penang, thank you so much for taking care of me. I'll never forget your kindness towards me. Hey, lets keep this friendship long lasting 💃

Literally the softest person ever 💖 Sooo manjaa, lembut, baik and cute. My bestfriend time dekat Convent, i dah lost contact dgn dia for few years sekali jumpa balik lahh tak berubah sikit pun still manjaaa mcm dulu. I bet if uguys jumpa dia mesti cair teruk dgn dia ni! 😜 She’s even call me kakak and i call her adik tau eventho dia lagi tua drpd i sebenarnya 😂 Ni semua sbb i lahir bulan 1 dia lahir bulan 12 so we decided to be called like that haha

The one that never failed to wish my birthday every year. Padahal ni bestfriend time sekolah rendah tau, ofcourse dah lost contact sbb time kecik2 dulu mana ada contact number and everything kan but yayaya miracle happens facebook buat kitorang jejak kasih balik haha 😄 Even dah lost contact for few years tapi dia still try her best to keep in touch 💖✨ Dulu ni mcm tomboy ni rambut pun forever pendek mana pernah panjang but thank God ololoo alahai ayunya sekarang 🙊

A really good friends of mine. Wanie, Ain and Alyaa are the coolest person i’ve ever known. Selalu backup i dulu tiap kali org cari pasal sbb i ni tak pandai nak bergaduh sgt 😂 Time dekat KKB eventho tak pernah pun cari pasal dgn org, org selalu cari pasal dgn i haha what a cruel world. We are the new student there, kena pulak we'ols semua anak askar sbb tu lah kitorang ni rapat. Unfortunately, tetibe ada a few boys suka dekat i sampai put an effort gila gila but i tak layan, so ramai lah yg jealous. Kelakar ke time tu baru darjah 6 okay mana reti nak bercinta2 ni. Kena pulak that time i jadi olahgarawati that school, lagi lah dorang rasa tercabar. Dorang tak puas hati lah i ni dah la budak baru, kenapa semua attention dapat dekat i. Thats why sampai ada yg cari pasal 😂 Buat sadly time tu naive gila, tak reti nak bergaduh. So everytime org cari psl je dorang ni lah yg tolong gaduhkan utk i. Sisterhood gittuww 😂 haha omg i miss that moment. My best childhood friends eva!

Tbh we are not even close back then. But still you are consider as one of my childhood friends too since kita selalu main lari kejar2 sama sama dulu. Kimi rapat dgn wanie, ain and alyaa, dgn i dia kureng sikit. Biasa lah dulu dyana mana reti nak rapat sgt dgn lelaki ni. Awkward... Tu yg selalu try nak avoid dari lelaki. Tapi since masing2 dah besar nasib baik lah dah reti nak bergaul balik 😂

More like a sister. Sweet, matured and so independent. Someone i can always depend on.  Time kat UITMPP always dgn dia. Pergi class sama2, shopping sama2, group assignment pun semua sama2, balik kampung pun kampung dia. Sorry kak eyna time diploma dulu yana selalu susahkan akak. Bila dah besar ni rasa serbasalah pulak. Kak eyna, someone yg sangat dedicated, tak suka tangguh2 kerja, dapat pulak groupmate yg mcm i ni yg sangat bertenang haha. Sorry kak, time tu yana tak matang lagi 😂 Eventho we don’t see each other as much as we used to you still will ALWAYS be my favorite kakak 💖 Misshuuuu

A firm lady but still care me a lot. I never thought we would be as close as we are. Anis ada geng dia sendiri and i ada kawan i sendiri but yeah we still manage to be bestfriend. Padahal yana dapat tahu mula mula yana pindah masuk SUA yg dia ni tak suka yana dulu. Ada org bagitahu yg boyfriend dia time tu mcm ada hati sikit kat yana so that person suruh yana berhati2 takut nanti jadi gaduh haha tapi omg sbb kes boyfriend2 ni jugak lah yg buat kitorang jadi rapat. Her ex ada share a bit pasal dorang and i try to make things up for them, start dari tu anis always share everything with me and yeayy kitorang terus jadi rapat!

The only person i always being harsh, tough and rude sometimes bcs dia ni suka cari pasal and treat me like urgh! 😫 Eventho kita selalu gaduh, i can say that it gives me joy every time we menyakat each other. (I know lah yg you actually care about me kann tapi dgn cara menyakitkan hati tu) 😝 Okay okay stay that way biar aku terus membenci kau haha. Eventho dia ni menyakitkan hati, but i can say that he's a very good friends. Dlm dia suka cari pasal, he's the one who always ask me first whether i'm okay or not every time if dia nampak i mcm tgh tak okay. He will try to console me, sembang, share mcm2 cerita and make sure i memang betul2 okay

Dis gurl, my roommate time dekat Palam. i love how independent you are to overcome shits in life. Keep being strong, ignore the hatred. Thank you to this gal i become a sushi lover muahahaha

Best classmate evaaa!  More like a family, tak kesah lah geng banyak main ke, geng kaki bahan org ke, geng tak amik port pasal org lain ke or geng muslimah sekali pun, our bonding is like a family. Rapat, rapat sangat sangat rapat. They always treat me like i'm a little baby bcs i'm the youngest among them hihi. We went through a lot of things together. We laughed, we cried, we made jokes, we got stressed out bcs of unexpected demands. In the end we still have each other. Thankyou so much guyss! So happy dapat classmate mcm korang

These freaking awesome girls !! One of the best groupmate that i’ve ever had. Survived 2 years of degree bcs of them. Dari hari pertama kita stick together sampai lah habis degree, setiap group assignment semua dgn org yg sama! Buat kerja laju, so dedicated, perfectionist, each one of them are so great and contribute a lot to the group. Thats why semua kerja settle cepat. Things got easiest bila deal dgn dorang ni. Girlsss thank youu so much for everything i really appreciate all of your efforts 💚

Ma brotherhood plus geng masuk air 😂 So protective and always help me when i’m in need. In fact, i mana ada contact sangat pun dgn dorang ni, but everytime ajak lepak or mintak tolong dorang sentiasa ada. Time sekolah dulu ayien pernah cakap "yana, stay the way you are. Even dgn siapa pun kau berkawan, mcm mana sekalipun perangai kawan kau, jgn pernah berubah. Sbb end up lelaki akan cari org yg mcm kau jugak bila nak kahwin nanti". It was so sudden, how amazing a simple words but has the deepest meaning and that meaning effects a person into becoming something else and stay the way she is. Bcs dulu i kawan dgn semua org and most of my friends nakal and daring, time zaman2 tgh nak up lah katakan, semua benda nak try. Maybe dia tengok dlm ramai2 kawan dia tu i bukan jenis yg senang terpengaruh and i'm still not over my limit eventho i bergaul dgn mcm2 jenis org. I also extra terharu ada one time min offer diri utk hantarkan i balik puncak alam utk register kolej sbb that time my parents pergi haji so takde siapa yg boleh hantarkan. Dia enjoy je hantarkan i padahal puncak alam tu jauh gila ceruk benua tauu mana ada org yg sanggup pergi sana jauhhhh. So glad that I’ve got someone like you guys to count on

These guys !! So funny and fun to be with 💖 The craziest, funniest and kindest people i have ever met! Thanks babee for always making my tummy hurt every time we're together. Setiap seconds ada je benda nak gelak. Kaki bahan, idea always yg bukan2. Setiap kali dgn dorang, sampai kejang pipi i rasa sbb gelak non stop 😂  Actually, i'm having a bad time while pursuing my degree. Ada one time i down teruk, tapi disebabkan dorang ni lah yg sentiasa menghiburkan and yg always ada time hari hari sedih i, ease my burden and lighten up my day. They are the biggest reason why i can survive through this year. Degree ni stress tapi i tak rasa stress pun sbb ada dorang HAHA 😂

I would like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of my friends. This year has been a pretty rough go, but thank you. Thank you for being there for me when i needed someone, thank you for always there for me thru ups and down and thank you for always there for me no matter what. I love how my friends always made my gloomy day into a brighter one. I never forget each one of you. Sorry for being a friend who doesn't know how to keep in touch but hey, how can i forget you people. May Allah ease everything you do inshaAllah amenn 🙆


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